21 Days Of Prayer & Fasting
Being a follower of Jesus means that we have direct access to God at all times, but it’s not just us talking to God; He is wanting to speak to us and we are able to hear from Him. We are able discern His voice; know His heart; encounter His presence and this is what happens when we pray.
But not all prayer is equal! In Matthew 6:5 Jesus points out the meaninglessness of prayer when it’s done as a show or obligation. True prayer that really makes a difference needs to be effective, repentant & authentic before God.
21 Days - Effective Prayer // Dave Luthy
21 Days - Repentant Prayer // Dave Ang
21 Days - Authentic Prayer // Dave Luthy
The Prayer Course II: Unanswered Prayer is a five-week small group resource from 24-7 Prayer; a follow up to The Prayer Course, which reached over 3 million people in its first year.
In the midst of a global pandemic, the Prayer Course II: Unanswered Prayer is an opportunity for groups to process pain and disappointment; to ask truthful and significant questions of faith; and to unite in the face of uncertainty towards healing and hope.