Our church has always been exceptionally well served by a large body of volunteers who give generously of their time and gifts. It is these volunteers, together with our continuing staff, who provide leadership and enable us to maintain effective ministry. Most of all, we give thanks to Jesus, the Chief Shepherd and Head of our church, who continues to grow us together in the love of God and empowers our ministry to our community.
In December 1968, Sandgate Baptist Church commenced a Sunday School in the Bracken Ridge area under the leadership of Ralph & Daphne Brett. Ralph is still in the church. The Sunday School continued successfully until 1976.
In 1972 our land in Norris Road was purchased by the Nundah and Sandgate churches with the view to commencing an outreach in Bracken Ridge. But it wasn’t until 1980 that the first service was held in the TAFE College after extensive preliminary work initiated by Maurie & Glenda Simpson. Ninety people attended that first service and within a few months Pastor Ted Brett became the part-time Pastor.
Gradually the infant work grew with the church calling a part-time Minister of Visitation (Mel Williams) in 1982 and becoming a fully-fledged Baptist church in 1983.
The desire to have a church building of their own had always been a driving motivation for the church family, especially as the land was already available. The first Site Plan application was submitted to the Council in 1983, but because of a number of problems, building didn't commence until late 1985. The building programme was completed in December 1986. Despite a few setbacks, the church grew steadily in numbers with membership reaching 94 and morning attendance about 110.
John Sweetman commenced ministry in September 1987 as full-time pastor and the church continued to expand rapidly especially in the young family and young adult areas. The church adopted a strong commitment to renewal, and worship services (which had always been free and informal) grew both numerically and in open expression of worship. With the growth that was occurring, the church set about to rapidly expand their ministries with children’s, youth, home group, and prayer ministries developing. The Pastoral Team was increased to assist with ministry to the growing church family and its community.
Many building options were considered, but finally it was decided to extend the building by removing a side wall and adding an annexe at the rear. In 1994 the Brighton Baptist Church amalgamated with Bracken Ridge with the Brighton pastor joining the Bracken Ridge team. In 1995 the extensions were opened. However, the space quickly filled and in 1997 two morning services commenced. John concluded at the end of 2001 to become the Principal of the Baptist Theological College (Malyon).
Brent Sweeney was appointed Senior Pastor of the church in 2004. Brent had already been on the pastoral team for five years. His vision for the church was to build on our rich heritage of making a difference in the broader community of Bracken Ridge and surrounds. The church building underwent a renovation in 2005 in order to bring it up to community standards and make it more functional as a meeting space for the many groups and communities that use it each week. Brent finished as Senior Pastor at the end of 2014.
Dan Lyons was called as Senior Pastor at the start of 2015 with a real passion for evangelism – connecting ordinary people with an extraordinary God. He brought a relational, inspiring, humorous approach to leading and preaching and related well to a wide range of people. Dan finished his term as Senior Pastor at the end of 2017.
At the beginning of 2018, David Chatelier was appointed Interim Senior Pastor while a search took place for a new Lead Pastor. David Luthy commenced work as the new Lead Pastor in September 2019 with the church looking expectantly into the future.
After dealing with the lockdowns of COVID (& subsequently beginning church online), there was a clear sense that God was calling the church into a new season. With a new staff team, the church was led through a period of prayer & discernment to understand God’s leading. Our mission was now that we were to be a church that would experience & share the life, freedom, & hope found in Jesus. God was calling us to carry this out through multiple ways including church planting, and significant building developments.