Seven Words To The Church Today
This series explores an under appreciated part of the book of Revelation. Revelation is a letter, addressed not to an individual but to seven church communities. Each letter first tells the church who Jesus is and then how the hearers should live in light of that identity. This series illuminates how the messages to the seven churches remain crucial and relevant for us today.
Seven Words To The Church Today - Introduction To The Seven Churches // David Luthy
Seven Words To The Church Today - To The Church In Ephesus // David Luthy
Seven Words To The Church Today - To The Church In Smyrna // Stephen Ball
Seven Words To The Church Today - To The Church In Pergamum // Dave Ang
Seven Words To The Church Today - To The Church In Thyatira // Alex Sweetman
Seven Words To The Church Today - To The Church In Sardis // Ashley Hicks
Seven Words To The Church Today - To The Church In Philadelphia // Stephen Ball
Seven Words To The Church Today - To The Church In Laodicea // David Luthy
How is your walk with Jesus today? The world around us poses tough competition for our affections and attention. We can be easily distracted by the meaningless things. We may compromise our faith to fit in. And we can even hide who we are in Christ to avoid persecution. Sometimes we are just not sure where God fits in our lives.
How do we refocus our lives to put Jesus first? In this 7-part series, pastor Willian Subash takes us through the seven letters written to seven churches in the book of Revelation. Each letter had a specific message and instruction to first century churches which still speak truth to us today. The caution and encouragement in each letter calls us to persevere in following Christ.