Ephesians speaks to, more than any other book, our identity in Christ! It explains what it means to be a new creation when we have relationship with Jesus. And yet we don’t do this relationship on our own. It also speaks into the relationship that we have with our brothers and sisters in Christ. As we explore Ephesians together, we will see how we have been brought from death to life, and will also see how this now changes how we interact with those around us.
Ephesians - Knowing Yourself | David Luthy
Ephesians - Clarity In Prayer | Stephen Ball
Ephesians - Embracing Change | Dave Ang
Ephesians - Unity In Diversity | Deanna Suosaari
Commitment Sunday - Immeasurably More | David Luthy
Ephesians - Unity In Practice | David Luthy
Ephesians - Living With Integrity | Ashley Hicks
Ephesians - Shining Brightly | Dave Ang
Ephesians - Healthy Relationships | David Luthy
Ephesians - Finding Strength | Stephen Ball
Has it ever dawned on you that nothing has ever dawned on God? He knew before the world began that His people would face hardship, so He gave us His Word. The Book of Ephesians is a survival manual—it equips believers to thrive in a world that hates the message of Jesus Christ. Paul the Apostle writes to encourage believers to live well—we've been lifted from the graveyard of sin and called to shout the gospel into the darkened world.
Pastor and author J.D. Greear walks through the powerful words of Paul. In 9 sessions, J.D. digs into the text of Ephesians verse-by-verse and challenges believers to live out the gospel. If the people of your city, of your school, of your family are going to hear the gospel, it's going to be from your mouth. Encounter Ephesians, and get swept up into the story of Jesus.