No Other Name
Every name has a meaning. A name has the potential of telling us about someone and what we call a person can communicate something about our relationship with that person. Throughout the Bible, God is given several names to convey different aspects of His character and nature. But one name is given the authority of being the name above every other name, which is the name of Jesus! As we see all of the names of God throughout scripture, we realise how great and absolute the name of Jesus is!
No Other Name - Yahweh-Elohim
(The Lord Of Lords) // Dave Luthy
No Other Name - Yahweh-Raah
(The Lord Our Shepherd) // Ashley Hicks
No Other Name - Yahweh-Shalom
(The Lord Our Peace) // Dave Ang
No Other Name - Yahweh-Rapha
(The Lord Who Heals) // Dave Luthy
No Other Name - Yahweh-Jireh
(The Lord Who Provides) // Stephen Ball
No Other Name - Yahweh-Tsidkenu
(The Lord Our Righteousness) // Dave Luthy